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Coming up over the next few weeks.

We are looking forward to Year 1 assemblies this week.

We have 1T on Tuesday 14th March and 1H on Wednesday 15th March.


For Red Nose Day on Friday 17th March we have a non uniform day and pupils are invited to come to come to school wearing something red.

Use the following link to make a suggested donation towards the charity of £1.00


Year 3 will then have their assemblies the following week.

We have 3C on Tuesday 21st March and 3B on Wednesday 22nd March.


There will be two trips on Tuesday 21st March -  year 4 are going to Wolverley Secondary School for an outdoor adventure session and year 6 will visit Worcester Cathedral.


The closing date for our Easter Egg competition is Friday 24th March. This years's theme is love and we can't wait to see everyone's creations. 

Winners will be announced on Friday 31st March.

