Contact Details
St Catherine's CE Primary School
Marlpool Lane
DY11 5HP
Telephone: 01562 823614
Telephones are answered throughout the school day from 8:30am - 4:30pm by Mrs. Standing, Mrs. Bate, Mrs. Cook, or Mrs. Edwards; outside the office opening hours the telephones ring throughout the school. Where possible, phone calls will be answered by a member of the Leadership Team, but calls are not guaranteed to be answered outside of office hours.
If you require any paper copies of any documents on our school website please speak to the school office; they will provide you with a copy free of charge.
Mrs. Rachel Barnes is the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), the main school telephone number or email can be used to contact her:
Safeguarding in our school:
Designated safeguarding lead is:
Mrs Cope - Headteacher
Deputy designated safeguarding leads are:
Miss Nolan - Interim Deputy Headteacher
Mr Medcalf - Interim Assistant Heateacher
Mrs Rachel Barnes - SENCO
Contact Form
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