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Safeguarding Team:

01562 823 614


Designated safeguarding lead: 

Mrs Cope - Headteacher 


Deputy designated safeguarding leads:

Miss Nolan - Interim Deputy Headteacher: 

Mr Medcalf -  Interim Assistant Headteacher: 

Mrs Barnes - SENCO 


Our Safeguarding Policy reflects the most current

version of Keeping Children Safe in Education and all staff

and volunteers understand their roles in implementing this policy.

At St Catherine’s School we recognise that safeguarding our children’s welfare is paramount.  We work hard to create and sustain open, honest and trusting relationships between staff, children, families and other stakeholders to help us to identify, act upon and support in areas of need.  Through these relationships and the support that we offer, we promote our pupils’ welfare, safety, health and well-being.

There are many aspects of our work that support effective safeguarding of our children, both in and out of school.  You can find more information about these in the appropriate pages on our website


In addition, our Safer Recruitment Practices and HR Management procedures ensure that staff and volunteers are managed appropriately to safeguard our children.  Further information about this can be obtained from the Headteacher via the school office.


We work with partners to ensure that information which supports our children’s safety and wellbeing is exchanged and acted upon appropriately. 

  • Parents, carers and families
  • Worcestershire Children First (Safeguarding and Education Teams)
  • Police (Safer Neighbourhood Team; Operation Encompass; Safeguarding Team)
  • Health Teams (School Nurses, GP surgeries, Specialist Medical Teams, Health Visitors and Community Midwives)
  • The Home Office (Prevent and FGM teams)

(this list includes our key partners, but is not exhaustive)


We will always endeavour to maintain positive and honest relationships with our families when taking action and sharing information with other agencies to safeguard our children.  We will inform parents/carers about the information that is being shared unless this is not possible or appropriate .  We always share information in line with DFE Information Sharing Guidance

Useful contact numbers:


NSPCC - 0808 800 5000

ChildLine - 0800 11 11

Parentline - 0808 800 2222

West Mercia Women’s Aid 24 hr. helpline - 0800 980 3331

West Mercia Constabulary - Police Domestic Abuse Units - 101

Worcestershire Family Front Door (social care) - 01905 822666


Useful websites:
