SEN Information Page
At St. Catherine’s we want every child to:
- Be the best that they can be
- Improve their independence
- Develop as a rounded individual able to make a contribution to their community
- Feel valued, included and motivated to learn
- Enjoy school
- Make academic progress
- Experience a range of successes and develop a positive sense of self
To achieve this:
All children receive high quality teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum in an inclusive classroom environment. According to their needs, children will also have access to:
- In-class support from teaching assistants (TAs)
- Catch-up programmes in literacy and numeracy
- One-to-one or small group work with a TA or teacher focused on individual needs
- An enhanced curriculum to match individual needs
- Access to IT or specialist equipment
- Support with medical or personal needs
- Homework support
In a small minority of cases, additional support is required for a child to access the curriculum. In such circumstances, the school, parents and sometimes outside agencies assess the child, liaise with each other and work together to achieve targets that are reviewed frequently.
Mrs. Rachel Barnes is the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), the main school telephone number or email can be used to contact her. If the nature of the communication is private or confidential we would strongly recommend avoiding email of any kind however, the email can be used if a telephone is unavailable.
Support for Parents and Carers
Worcestershire's SEND Local Offer, details the services and support available to children with SEND and their families. To access the Local Offer, go to:
SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service) provide free, impartial, confidential and accessible information advice and support on all matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They support children and young people, parents and carers and professionals and work on a self-referral basis. This means that parents can contact the service directly to seek advice and support.
Their service leaflet can be accessed below.
Their new website can be found at They hope that this website will provide SEND families with lots of useful information and resources and will sign-post them to other relevant support services. They also have a COVID section with information on home learning, returning to school and managing children’s anxieties.
They also have Facebook and Twitter platforms where they share regular SEND updates and resources. provides free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support on matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Their service is available throughout the summer holidays to support families and they are running as normal through the Covid-19 outbreak.
Contact them: Telephone Helpline: 01905 768153 (8.30am-4pm Mon- Fri)