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PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

PE & Sports Grant Spending



Swimming at St Catherine's CE Primary School is extremely important to us. As a life-saving skill we encourage all of our children to achieve the National expectation of 25m unaided swimming. Any children who do not meet this standard in KS2 are encouraged to come for extra morning swimming lessons with our school staff who are trained swimming instructors.


 As with every subject in school, we start with a range of swimming abilities and therefore devise our program to meet these needs:

  • Beginners: Build water confidence and buoyancy followed by the introduction of different strokes.
  • Intermediate: Introduce different strokes and the techniques that they need to complete 25m.
  • Developing: Work on their technique, stamina and speed to be more efficient in the pool.


Our pupils worked with a swimming instructor from the pools for you team who bring a portable pool to school to deliver a high quality swimming teaching programme for our children. As a result of this, many of our children are able to swim at least 25m. All children in the school receive swimming tuition in key stage 2. 
