Christmas 2021 at St Catherine's
The festive season is now beginning, the decorations are up and we have lots of events and activities planned.
There is the usual December excitement around school.
Please see below all the upcoming Christmas events we have planned.
St Catherine’s Christmas Post
Monday 6th December to Friday 10th December - The school’s post box for all of your Christmas cards will be out on the path from 6th December. Please make sure you write the recipient’s full name and class on the envelope. The cards will be quarantined and then mailed to the classes during the last week of term.
Rudolph Run for Kemp Hospice
Wednesday 8th December 2021 - We are delighted to be taking part in Kemp Hospice’s first Rudolph Run. All pupils will receive a pair of Rudolph antlers and a red nose to wear as they take part in a run around the school field.
They will need to come to school wearing warm sports clothes (tracksuits) and trainers for the day.
If you would like to support this fundraising event your donations can be made on your Parentpay account, thank you in advance for your support.
Christmas Jumper Day & Children’s Christmas Fair
Friday 10th December 2021 - We will be hosting a Christmas jumper day alongside the PTA’s Children’s Christmas Fair in school.
Christmas Crafts
Friday 10th December 2021 – Children’s Christmas crafts can be paid for on your Parentpay account, once you have paid these crafts will come home with your child from this date.
Year 5 Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits
Tuesday 14th December 2021 – Y5 will be filming their Christmas production of Ali Baba in Kidderminster Town Hall. This film will be shared with all families of Y5 pupils.
Year 6 Christmas Carol Concert
Wednesday 15th December 2021 – Y6 will be filming their Christmas Carol Concert at St. Barnabas Church. This film will be shared with all families of Y6 pupils.
Pupils’ Christmas Services at Barnabas Church
Thursday 16th December 2021 – Children will visit church in year groups for a Christmas service with our church warden – Barrie Lewis.
Christmas Lunch
Thursday 16th December 2021 – Our school caterer, ABM, are hosting the school Christmas lunch. Parents are invited to book their child’s lunch on Parentpay.
Class Christmas Parties and a visit from Father Christmas
Thursday 16th December 2021 - Father Christmas will be in school on Thursday 5th December whilst the children enjoy their Christmas parties!
Christmas shows
Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 & Y4 are all busy preparing their shows at school which will be filmed for you to enjoy at home. We have invested in new camera equipment to ensure good quality films are created!
Last day of term
We finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 17th December at 3.15pm.