Christmas Performances 2022
Rehearsals are under way for all the Christmas Performances.
We are looking forward to seeing you all for these.
The dates are detailed below.
Please remember to bring your allocated tickets with you.
Reception Nativity in the school hall
Tuesday 6th December at 9:00am
Tuesday 6th December at 2:15pm
Wednesday 7th December at 9:00am
Years 1 and 2 Christmas Play in the school hall
Thursday 8th December at 9:00am
Thursday 8th December at 2:00pm
Friday 9th December at 9:00am
Years 3 & 4 Christmas Play in the school hall
Tuesday 13th December at 9:00am
Tuesday 13th December at 2:00pm
Wednesday 14th December at 9:00am
Year 5 Christmas play at Kidderminster Town Hall
Tuesday 13th December at 6.00pm
Year 6 Christmas Carol Concert at St. Barnabas Church
Wednesday 14th December at 6:00pm