Coming up before half term
We are excited to be hosting a whole school arts and vision project on Wednesday 24th May and Thursday 25th May 2023. Children are invited to come to school wearing old clothes suitable for painting and craft activities. All classes will be creating art work that underpins the school values. We will be hosting an art gallery show after the half term break to share the children’s achievements. During this time, children will be helping to design an outdoor mural for our new wellbeing and prayer garden in the Year 4 courtyard.
The PTA are holding a School Disco on Tuesday 23rd May – key stage 1: 3.30-5.00pm, key stage: 2 5.00-6.30pm
Information regarding PTA events will be shared via the new PTA app – Class list. Classlist is completely free and it’s easy to get started:
1. Download the Classlist app on iOS or Android
2. Select (“school name”)
3. Sign up. You can choose what data to share with your fellow parents.