Coming up before the end of term
The following will be happening before we break up for the summer holidays.
Thursday 8th July - School Sports event - The children will take part in races, within their bubbles. All children will need their sports kit.
Please order your child's lolly for after this through ParentPay if you wish them to have one to enjoy after their races.
Sadly, we are not able to invite parents to this year’s sports event. The current government guidelines, for schools, do not permit us to gather all parents on the field.
Friday 9th July - Doughnut Day, the PTA are raising further funds by selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts, which children will bring home to enjoy - Please make sure you have ordered yours by 9am on Friday 2nd July.
Thursday 15th July - the Rainbow Raffle and the mid month draw will take place. Again please pay for your tickets for these on your ParentPay account.
Friday 16th July - the last day of term when we will say goodbye to our year 6 leavers and to Mrs Power as she retires.