Coming up this week
As part of our Religious Education curriculum our year 2 pupils all have had the opportunity to visit the Singers Hill Synagogue in Birmingham this week.
2S have enjoyed their trip on Monday and 2C are due to go on Thursday.
There are 2 class assemblies this week:
1R - Wednesday 12th February
1T - Thursday 13th February
We look forward to hearing more about what the children have been learning this term.
Out year 6 footballers are competing in the matches at the National League Trust Under 11's Cup at Solihull Moors FC today. We await news of the results. We are sure they have all played very well, representing both St Catherine's and Kidderminster Harriers. Well done boys, whatever the result.
We close at 3:15pm on Friday 14th February for the February Half Term and wish everyone a restful week.