End of term approaches
As the end of term approaches we have been so busy at St Catherine's.
Today we have held our Sports Day. We are so grateful to have had such lovely weather. What a great day it has been and it was amazing to see so many supporters cheering the children on. Well done everyone. Please see the scores for each house below.
Thank you to those of you who attended the Summer Fair at school on Friday 30th July.
Despite the unsettled weather we had a great turn out and the PTA were thrilled to have raised £2333.91. Thank you to the PTA for all their hard work in organsing this event.
The money raised will go towards new IT equipment for use in the classrooms.
Both year 4 classes have held their class assemblies this week. It was great to learn about what they have been learning and hear them play their recorders.
This week Year 2 have been to the Black Country Museum and next week Year 1 are visiting Wild Zoo and Year 4 will visit Ludlow Castle, plus the History Guy is visting Year 5's for an Egyptian Day.
Year 6 held their Enterprise Fayre on Thursday and are so thankful to everyone for coming along to support their sale. They are now busy rehearsing for their end of year show.
Our non-uniform day for the RNLI has so far raised £286.00. Donations can still be made on your ParentPay account if you wish to do so. Thank you so much for your support for the work of this charity.