June activities so far.
We have had a few busy weeks in school so far in June.
Year 6 have enjoyed their Residential Trip to Llanrug in Wales. They all took part in some exciting and challenging outdoor activities.
Those children who did not take part in this stayed in school and worked on a St Catherine's Leadership Award.
Year 5 have been to Wolverley Secondary School for a science experience morning and were able to visit a planetarium, exploring a spectacular view of space and astronomy.
Reception had their first off site trip and had a really fun day visiting Little Owl Farm.
We have had lots of assemblies:
Year 5 focused on the 'Horrible Literacy Awards' and took us through a quiz on the story book characters they have been reading about this year.
Year 2 took us on a 'Journey through Year 2 so far', sharing many of their memories from the year.
We hope the parents enjoyed these as much as we did.
You may have seen some of our year 5 children taking part locally in bikeability sessions with Worcestershire County Council instructors. Well done to those children who took part in this valuable activity.
Finally thank you all for your support with the 2 non-uniform days collecting bottles and chocolate items for the Summer Fair.
The Summer Fair will be held at school on Friday 30th June 4:30pm - 6:30pm.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there.