Penguin Parade!
We have had two wonderful assemblies from year 1 this week. They all looked amazing with their penguin headbands on and we all enjoyed their presentations. Well done children.
We hope everyone has a restful half term week.
Coming up after half term:
Reception will celebrate '100 day' on Monday 24th February, we can't wait to see their 100 day hats!
Year 5 will visit the Islamic Exhibition Experience on Wednesday 26th February.
Don't forget - the next Messy Church@Franche event is on Tuesday 25th February at St Catherine's. This takes place after school, 3:15pm - 5:30pm. Everyone is welcome (whether attending St Catherine's or not) but children must be accompanied by an adult. The event is fun and family friendly involving art and crafts, games, worship and songs and a celebratory meal to close. We provide the whole family with their tea at 5pm - come along and have a night off from cooking! As it is Shrove Tuesday there will be pancakes!
St Catherine's families can sign up using the google form link sent out to them or alternatively you can contact the school office to sign up to come along.
We look forward to seeing you there.