Summer Time Fun!
How fantastic it was to hold our Sports Day last Friday. We are sure our parents and families enjoyed being able to attend and there was a wonderful atmosphere with everyone cheering and supporting the children. Well done everyone for taking part and earning points for your House Team. There were only 12 points between all the teams when the scores were counted and the overall winners were Ben Nevis (Blue).
We are really looking forward to our next event this Friday (8th July), with the long awaited return of the PTA Summer Fair. There are lots of stalls and activities, including bottle tombola, splat the teacher, hook-a-duck, inflatable slide, glitter tattoos and beat the goalie. Don't forget your entries for the bake off competition, these can be brought into school at the end of the school day.
Everyone is invited to come and join the fun from 4:30pm, we hope to see you there.